EVMS psychiatrist under fire after testimony in Depp v. Heard trial Daily Press
EVMS psychiatrist under fire after testimony in Depp v. Heard trial Yahoo News
A 25-year-old got in a taxi outside an N.Y.C. gay bar. He was dead an hour later. NBC News
Pickleball on Long Island | Long Island Tennis Magazine Long Island Tennis Magazine
Long Covid Affects More Older Adults; Shots Don’t Prevent It Long Island Press
1. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, medical cannabis and cannabinoids versus placebo were found to provide a small increase in sleep quality amongst patients experiencing chronic pain 2. Furthermore, the study highlighted an increase in nausea and dizziness as adverse effects of cannabis and cannabinoids use. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Sleep disorders affect…
LIJVS wins critical care excellence award liherald.com
International Bubble Tea Chain Buys Hauppauge Industrial Building For $6.25MM LongIsland.com
Three hospitals on Long Island are deemed Advanced Spine Centers of Excellence Long Island Business News
JLL’s Midway Crossing Project Boosts Long Island Life Sciences Sector Commercial Observer