magbo system

The fight over transgender issues, waged on several fronts in recent years, has increasingly focused on medical treatments for children. Major medical groups — along with transgender advocates — back what is known as gender-affirming care, which involves supporting a child’s gender identity and social transition, often through clothes or a name. Such care can…

Grassroots organizing. How a bill becomes law. Key elements of an effective op-ed. These are not exactly subjects you’d expect to find alongside microbiology and gross anatomy. But medical educators are teaching these and other policy-related topics to students and residents hoping to support patients far beyond what’s feasible within the confines of exam rooms…

A range of bipartisan bills passed during this year’s legislative session expanding Utah’s medical cannabis program. They ranged from clearer protections for patients to expanded access for qualifying conditions and more regulatory labeling. These bills had general support from some patient advocate groups. Christine Stenquist, founder of TRUCE — a Utah-based patient advocacy group, said…