magbo system

At some point you’ve probably used health-related supplies that created some type of medical waste. That’s the leftover trash or disposable byproduct from your health care. Examples of medical waste include: Medical sharps, such as needles and syringes Disposable masks Used bandages or other dressings Body parts removed during surgery Samples from tests, like blood,…

The lead page of the article detailing the findings of ABMDR’s COVID-19 research. LOS ANGELES, Calif. — An article containing the findings of a major COVID-19 research conducted by the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) has been published in “Frontiers in Immunology,” one of the world’s leading medical  journals. The results of the landmark…

In 2016, Hoffman et al. documented ongoing racial misconceptions held by medical students and residents.1 The authors showed a series of statements concerning biologic differences between groups described as “Blacks” and “Whites” to three groups of “White” people: participants with no medical training, medical students at the University of Virginia (UVA), and UVA residents. Participants…

The passage of the “no surprises” legislation in Congress and its implementation Jan. 1 has been a cause for celebration. Consumer protection legislation is hard to pass these days for a lot of reasons including heavy opposition from the business community and indifference from the politicians. But sustained media coverage and public outrage over the…